Insurance Information

International SOS is FIU’s provider for international travel insurance coverage for current employees and students.

If you are participating in a program (internship, research, service, international experience) that is funded by a grant or by an FIU Department, you MUST have a TAR (Travel Authorization Request) submitted before proceeding and securing insurance. For information about the Education Abroad Application Process, click HERE

International Travel Insurance Coverage

Prior Departure

  • Call an Assistance Centre for free pretravel information (i.e. vaccination, required medication and travel security concerns)
  • Sign up for health and security email alerts

While Abroad

  • Free and unlimited health, safety, and security advice
  • Find a local nurse, internationally trained doctor or security specialist near you
  • Find medication or medical equipment
  • Travel advice on loss of travel documents or legal assistance

In an emergency

  • Arranging medical transportation and care
  • Monitoring your condition 
  • Evacuation when necessary

FIU students traveling abroad are urged to take the International SOS Card with them and have this information available in print and digitally at all times. Please click on the image on the right to obtain a copy. 

If you need assistance, contact the medical and security experts 24/7:

Access your member portal at

A medical or security expert will verify your identity as an FIU student and ask for the following information, which will help us to immediately begin assisting you:
• Your school 
• The membership ID number
• A description of the situation
• A phone number to reach you


