International Student Exchange

With the International Student Exchange (ISE), you can attend any one of our partner schools throughout the world. The ISE offers you true immersion, since you’ll be living and studying in your host country for the Fall or Spring semester, or both! The ISE is open to all majors and you’ll need to have a 3.0 GPA in order to be eligible. What’s great about the ISE is that you pay your FIU tuition, which means any scholarships or financial aid that you receive can go towards your study abroad experience. A student can take part in the ISE program depending on their academic requirements.


  • Study alongside students from your host country in regular university courses at any one of our ISE Partner Institutions.
  • Experience student life and true immersion by getting involved on campus
  • Pay your FIU tuition and receive all of your regular scholarships and financial aid
  • Open to all majors

Important Dates

Applications will be available to students by the following dates:

  • Fall or Academic Year - Early January 
  • Spring - Early July

All application materials must be submitted by the following dates:

  • Fall or Academic Year – March 14*
  • Spring – September 12*

*Deadline dates are subject to change

If you’re looking for an affordable way to get truly immersed in another culture, the International Student Exchange (ISE) program is a phenomenal option. This program is open to all majors based on eligibility. During the exchange, participants study alongside local students in regular university courses at one of our partner institutions. Participants enroll in the equivalent of 12 or more credits towards major, minor or general degree program requirements. Students still pay FIU tuition and are able to receive all the same scholarships and financial aid they normally would for on-campus courses. Participants are responsible for all other expenses (flights, housing, living expenses, etc.).

  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Language Fluency (reading, writing and speaking) in the language of instruction (please refer to location details on the Program pages)
  • FIU Students are not eligible to participate in the ISE program during their last semester.
    • College of Business students must have at least two semesters left to graduate after they return from the ISE program. 
    • For Spring/AY applicants, if you graduate during the Summer following the Spring/AY term abroad, you do not qualify
  • Students must take at least 12 credits or more towards their major, minor, or general degree program while abroad
  • All University Core Curriculum (UCC) must be completed. 
    • COB students must complete all UCC and COB pre-core requirements. 

The application process

Please read the following application steps carefully. If you have any questions regarding the program, the application process, or if you’d like to meet with a Education Abroad Coordinator, please visit our virtual office hours

  • Step 1 –Begin an ISE Advising Application

    To get started, you must first create an ISE Advising Application. You can do so by clicking the following link. This application will include:

    1. ISE Introduction Prep Video
    2. ISE Video Quiz
    3. Student Academic Information Questionnaire
    4. Study Abroad Academic Pre-Approval Form (completed in consultation with your academic advisor)
    5. Select your top-choice university and 3-4 back up options

    You can only be considered for the ISE program after completing all five steps of the ISE Advising Application. 

  • Step 2 – Browse Schools/Host Institutions

    Take a look at the universities we have partnerships with on our ISE Partner Institutions page. Not only will these pages give you general information regarding each university, they also include a link to each university’s official website so you can start browsing around there as well. Keep in mind that certain schools are only available to certain majors or students in particular programs, and for certain semesters.

    Make sure that you conduct thorough research on our website, and the foreign university's exchange website, to make a selection based on course offerings, program dates, your major, language, location, etc. 

    NOTE: Aside from your top-choice university, you are required to choose 3-4 back up options. Your top-choice university is not guaranteed due to the number of applications and the number of spaces available at each partner university. 

  • Step 3 – Appointment with Academic Advisor

    College Academic Advisor 

    Make an appointment with your Academic Advisor to discuss your interest in studying abroad and to see if you are academically eligible to participate in ISE. Students should also explore what courses you can transfer in, what courses must be taken at FIU, and what courses you have yet to fulfill within your program. Remember, at this first appointment, your advisor won’t be officially approving courses, it’s just for you to get a better idea of what courses you need so you’ll know what to look for in a potential host institution.

    Office of Education Abroad 

    If you have any questions regarding the program, the application process, or if you’d like to meet with a Education Abroad Coordinator, please visit our virtual office hours. 

  • Step 4 – Browse Courses

    Once you’ve narrowed down your top choice university and 3-4 backup options, click on each school’s official link and navigate your way to their course offerings. Check to see if any of the courses offered could apply to your degree requirements. Remember, while abroad you should take courses towards your major, minor, or elective requirements. What’s important is that the courses taken abroad somehow fulfill requirements towards your degree. 

    Use the following link to access our course equivalency database, where you can view courses previously taken by ISE students at our partner universities and their corresponding FIU equivalencies. Please note that this list does not guarantee that the course will be offered during the semester you enroll in the ISE program. Be sure to consult with your academic advisor to verify how courses taken abroad may fulfill your major, minor, or certificate requirements. Additionally, the equivalencies may vary depending on your specific college and degree program, so do not follow the list exactly.

    ISE Course Equivalency Database


    NOTE: OEA cannot guarantee a particular university will have all the courses you need. Also, course selection will start after your acceptance to the ISE program. Please keep in mind that foreign universities won't have their future course list available by the time you begin your ISE applications. You should have access to the courses after acceptance to the foreign university.  

  • Step 5 – OEA Reviews Advising Application

    After you submit your ISE Advising Application, OEA will review for eligibility and will be able to grant you access to apply to one of our partner universities. The application process is rolling admissions and OEA collaborates with FIU departments to determine students eligibility. We kindly request and appreciate your patience. You will hear back via your FIU email with more information regarding your application and eligibility.

    You will then be able to access the Pre-Decision ISE Application. 

    NOTE: Please note that placement in your Top Choice University is not guaranteed as many programs are competitive with limited availability. 

  • Step 6 – Pre-Decision: Application Submission

    Submit all application materials of the Pre-decision ISE Application by the appropriate deadline. This includes: 

    1. Personal Information questionnaire 
    2. Statement of Purpose 
    3. Signature Document - Academic Standing and Student Conduct Information
    4. Signature Document - Non-Refundable $195 OEA Fee Information
    5. Academic Advisor Recommendation 
    6. Academic or Non-Academic Recommendation 
    7. Schedule your ISE Interview before 5pm on the deadline day (last step). 


    Fall/AY - Mid March 
    Spring - Mid September

  • Step 7 – Interview

    Once you complete all other required items (materials, questionnaires, recommendations – 11/12), the Office of Education Abroad will contact you via your FIU email address with further instructions on how to schedule your ISE Interview. This will give our office a chance to get to know you better, ask questions, and give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the rest of the application process.

    Please keep in mind that interviews will take place the week after the ISE deadline. However, you MUST schedule them before the ISE deadline. Interviews will take place on a rolling basis. 

    Failure to schedule an interview by the application deadline will mark your application as incomplete, and you will not be considered for the International Student Exchange program. No exceptions will be granted.

    Once your interview is scheduled, the OEA staff will mark this task as complete.

  • Step 8 – Nomination and Conditional Acceptance

    Based on your application materials and interview, you may be conditionally accepted to the ISE program and moved forward to the Post-decision phase of your application. The Office of Education Abroad will provide you with a nomination decision and next steps via your FIU email.

    If you decline your nomination, you can:

    • Apply again during the next application cycle the following semester (your top-choice is not guaranteed)
    • Look into an alternative program such as Third-Party Programs (TPP) or FIU Faculty-Led Programs 
  • Step 9 – Host University Application
    Once you have been conditionally accepted, you will begin the Host University Application. The foreign university will contact you directly with further instructions on how to complete their application process. More information will be given to you in your acceptance email. 
  • Step 10 – Post-Acceptance Meeting

    You will be required to attend a Mandatory Post-Acceptance Meeting where you will not only have the opportunity to meet other ISE students, but will learn more about the post-decision process. At this point, there are a number of OEA documents that must be completed and submitted to the OEA Portal. These include: 

    • Medical Information Form
    • Budget Form 
    • Course Equivalency Form 
    • Passport Copy - passports must be valid for six months beyond the start date of your program. 
  • Step 11 – Course Equivalency

    Once you’ve been accepted, you will work with your academic advisor/faculty designee and have them fill out and sign off on your Course Equivalency Form to find out how the courses abroad will transfer into FIU. You’ll need to bring the host instruction's syllabi of the courses that interest you to this meeting so that your advisor/faculty designee can determine an appropriate FIU equivalent. Ideally, you’ll want them to sign off on more courses than you actually plan to take, just in case some of the courses you wanted to enroll in are full or aren’t being offered. 

    NOTE: Make sure that you update your Course Equivalency from once you are enrolled in courses at the foreign university. This will ensure that your foreign transcripts will be processed in a timely manner upon your return to FIU. 

  • Step 12 – Visa

    Your host institution will provide you with an Acceptance Letter to help you get your visa. Our office can provide you with a Consulate Letter upon request (3-5 business days in advance). However, it is your responsibility to find out whether you require a student visa and to apply for and obtain a student visa on your own. 

    NOTE: If the embassy/consulate of the foreign country require proof of international health insurance beyond what we offer to students, it is your responsibility to fulfill their criteria.

  • Step 13 – Pre-departure

    Before you leave on your program, you will be required to attend a Mandatory Pre-Departure Orientationwhere you’ll be given pre-departure information to prepare you for your trip. We will send you all materials via email following the meeting.